Lazy Poet’s Thursday Haiku – Rotting Log

Rotting log from a now unused childrens adventure park

Rotting log from a now unused children’s adventure park


Rotting and decaying
this old log, once new and whole,
a long time ago.


My first attempt at writing any sort of verse since my school days, many, many moons ago 🙂



42 thoughts on “Lazy Poet’s Thursday Haiku – Rotting Log

  1. Writing isn’t a strong point – what nonsense ! I love this haiku and photo and I love that you used a photo for inspiration. I’m also giving myself a little pat on the back because I might have inspired you just a little too 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • You certainly deserve that ‘pat on the back’ Gilly, it was indeed you that inspired me to have a go, and I thank you ever so much for that!!! 🙂 🙂
      I’ve been overwhelmed by the really kind comments from everyone, I’ll be definitely carrying on next Thursday 🙂


    • Thanks Jo 🙂 I had to look up a Haiku a wee while ago, it’s a Japanese verse, consisting of 5 syllables on the first line, 7 on the next, and 5 syllables on the last line, and it can be about anything from what I can see. Which makes it a great way of briefly describing a photo 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Poppy 🙂 And yes, it is the wonderful thing about blogging, the whole Haiku thing has made me consider maybe trying to write some slightly longer verse about my photos! The only trouble with that, is that it will be all of you who have to suffer the consequences of my attempts!! Lol! 🙂


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